How Learning and Assessment groups work

📌 Note: You will not be able to add students to groups from the participant's page until both you and your students have been enrolled in your markbook group. 

Enrolling students, teachers, and yourself in Markbook Groups

Enrolling and un-enrolling students in Learning and Assessment groups

Learning content groups

Learning content groups are used in myAMES to help teachers customise the course for their students, so learners only have access to the content they need when they need it.

📄 FILE:  Need help knowing which groups to add your students to?  Flowchart - Adding students to myAMES Groups according to enrolled Unit

Showing and hiding mandated assessments  

Mandated assessments are now part of the myAMES learning course. This makes it easier for teachers to assign and grade online assessments. Online assessments should only be made available to students during class time. 

Week 1-10 Assessments: The weekly assessment groups allow teachers to show and hide the mandated assessments for a particular week. Teachers can make weekly assessments available at any time in the term. 

Teacher view:  Student assigned to Week 3 Assessments group

Student view: Student has access to Week 3 Assessments

Showing and hiding mandated unit activities  

The weekly mandated activities will automatically become available to students each Monday morning. If needed, Teachers can use learning content groups to override which weeks are shown to an individual student.  The Mandated Partial group and the Week 1-10 groups are used together to customise the availability of the weekly activities.

MANDATED PARTIAL: This group is used for students who don't need to complete all of the mandated content. Students added to this group will not have access to any of the weekly mandated activities until their teacher adds them to a week a group.

Week 1-10: These groups are used by teachers to assign activities to students in the mandated partial group.

📌 NOTE: Students must belong to the "MANDATED PARTIAL" group to access custom weeks. 

Teacher view:  Student assigned to MANDATED PARTIAL, Week 4, 5, and 7 groups

Student view: Student has access to Week 4, 6 and 7 

Showing and hiding GAP units

Teachers can now customise their students myAMES to include learning activities and assessments from Units that are not mandated this term.

"Gap Unit VU22XXX"  This group is used for students that need to complete all or most of a unit. When a teacher adds a student to a Gap Unit group, the learning activities for that unit will be made available to the student. Activities are grouped into lessons which will appear under the mandated weeks in the student's side menu. New lessons will be made available automatically as students complete the activities.

" Gap Unit VU22XXX ATX" Teachers can make assessment tasks from Gap Units available for students to complete in-class time by adding them to a Gap Unit AT (Assessment Task) group. 

"GAP ONLY"  Adding a student the the "GAP ONLY" group hides all the mandated weekly content from the student. This group is for students who only have gap units or assessments left to complete.

Teacher view: The first student has been assigned Gap Unit VU22592 and Gap Unit VU22592  AT 2. The second student has been assigned Gap Unit VU22594 AT3 and added to the GAP ONLY group which hides the weekly mandated content.

Student 1 view: The student has access to mandated unit activities and gap unit VU22592 learning activities and a  gap unit VU22592 Assessment Task 2.
Student 2 view: The student has access to gap unit VU22594 Assessment Task 3.

📌 NOTE: Students can be added to multiple groups and can complete any combination of mandated and gap, learning and assessment tasks.